06 April 2010

Nikki's Conversion Story

It all started with Green Eggs and Ham. My name is Nikki, and I'm a reading addict.

Books have always provided me more entertainment than a movie could ever hope to. In middle school, my best friend Becky and I became obsessed with Jack Weyland, to the point of writing him a letter, to which he replied! (Side note: years later, as an adult, Weyland's grown son moved to my hometown. I happened to be at a friend's house when the son stopped by. When they told me who he was, you'd have thought I was meeting Brad Pitt, I was so star-struck. And this was just his son!) From Weyland, Becky and I moved on to much deeper and darker material, mostly Chaim Potok novels. I also devoured Edgar Allan Poe and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Potok remains my favorite author to this day.

My love of fiction continued through high school where I ate up even assigned books like Lord of the Flies. (Don't get me wrong, though, I hated my share of assigned material just like the rest of the kids. To this day, I have no clue what Beowulf or Heart of Darkness were about.)

After high school, as a young married adult, I read Anna and the King, Les Miserables, and Little Women as I walked to and from work and school every day. Les Miserables was the first non-religious book to make me cry. In a way, it was a turning point in my reading "career." Books could really move me and maybe even change my life. I would later be so moved by books like The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and These is My Words.

Then my beloved babies were born. Between the diaper changes, the lack of sleep, and generally getting the hang of motherhood, I was lucky to get in a book every 6 months (compared to my current 1-2 books per week). My love of fiction, like my love of alternative music, was put on the back burner. Until Twilight. Reading Meyer's heart-wrenching saga awakened my love of fiction and I've been a relapsed addict ever since!


Sheri said...

Love it! Can't wait to see your reviews! :D

Cheryn said...

So glad you picked up reading (for fun) again! Can't wait ti throw ideas back and forth. I already thoroughly enjoyed your post about the hunger games last night :D

Nikki said...

Oh, and people ask how I make time for reading when I have kids and husband, church responsibilities, own a small business, etc. I take a book everywhere I go. I read while the kids play at the park. I read while I run on the treadmill. I read while I'm blow drying my hair in the morning. I read before I go to sleep. I just fit in into the things I already do anyway.

Cheryn said...

Wow, read while you're blow-drying yoru hair?! That's some fancy foot work, lady! I do the same thing now. I used to think I didn't have time to read (other than scriptures) but its just about priorities. I can honestly say I hardly ever watch TV anymore :D

Becca Jane said...

I wonder if I have Jack Weyland's response letter anywhere!! That was so fun. I still have 'the original' Asher Lev on my bookshelf...all tattered. I need to read it again.

Great blog!!