06 April 2010

Kate's "Conversion" Story

My story isn't really a conversion story, as much as just a story.

I come from a long line of fiction readers. I don't remember a time in my life when my Grandparents, Mom and Dad, and siblings weren't reading a book. My parents taught me to read at a young age, and to read often.

My first real love of fiction came in the 2nd grade with The Boxcar Children, and subsequently progressed to The Babysitter's Club. By the 4th grade I had started reading The Work and The Glory Series and fell in love with historical fiction. As a young teen I devoured Jack Weyland and Anita Stansfield books like they were going out of style. I was lucky enough to have a librarian for a mother; so having access to new books on a daily basis kept me in a blissful world of fiction - even 'till the wee hours of the morning on many occasions.

In high school I LOVED my English classes and will never forget the first time I read fantastic works of fiction like The Importance Of Being Earnest, Cold Sassy Tree, Lord Jim, and Wuthering Heights. Not only did I get to read for homework, but I got to dissect the books afterwards and write all my feelings about them on paper. What more could a book lover want from a class?

As an adult I find myself reading all different genres of fiction - mysteries, youth, fantasy, historical, romantic...the options are endless. That is the true joy of reading works of fiction - they can encourage you to learn a skill, remind you of what it felt like to fall in love, treat you to fantastical lands and whimsical peoples, give you a chance to reflect on time gone by and things you take for granted, or they can simply be a sweet escape from a busy and trying time in your life.

In short, I was born and bred to be a fiction reader...and for that I feel very blessed.

1 comment:

Cheryn said...

What a great story! I had no idea your mom was a librarian. You'll be an excellent contributor to our quest for great fiction! Miss ya, Kate! xo