07 October 2010

The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong


I never quite know where this story is going. I was pleasantly surprised with the evolution of many characters in this book, and one relationship in particular. While I enjoyed this book more than the first, I have to admit I've lost interest in the series, even if only temporarily until I run out of on-hand recommends to keep me busy.  Now, life might go on just fine without knowing how the plot resolves. At times the series has showed such promise, but I keep coming back to the problem that the content is not captivating me. It seems like the same predictable and creepy things keep happening, and while there is little progress, so much stays the same, and so much stays unclear. I would recommend this series to a 15 year old girl though, and will certainly read the final book just to wrap it up with a pretty little bow. I must admit I'm still wanting to know what will happen, even though the plot has been painfully slow to progress.

3 out of 5 stars

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