02 January 2012

Laughable Loves by Milan Kundera


My friend Kiel introduced me to a band called "The Airborne Toxic Event," who I had heard on the radio, but hadn't researched any further songs belonging to them. I also used one of their tracks "All I Ever Wanted--" the one played on the radio, actually--for a Sociology Media Analysis. Turns out that my analysis of the lyrics have nothing to do with the true meaning of the song.

Of course this piqued my interest and I ended up locating the short story that the song is written about, called "The Hitchhiking Game" from this book, Laughable Loves by Kundera.

I was hoping that learning more about the original short story would enhance my adoration of this emotion-filled song. Rather it had the opposite effect. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion--it got worse and worse. I have no qualms about Kundera's writing. It's the content that I am disagreeable toward. Perhaps it is due to the abundance of wisdom I've acquired in nearly thirty years, but probably not. I felt that the characters in each of the short stories were naive and didn't think things through all the way, which I found irritating as a reader.

This book ought to be titled "Pitifully Laughable Lust."

2.5 out of 5 stars

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