28 July 2010

Uglies by Scott Westerfield

has potential.

For me, this book was a great attempt at a unique and intriguing storyline, but unfortunately it paled in comparison to the depth and magnitude of other recent books in the genre. I wanted more from this book overall. Thankfully, three-quarters of the way through the book, there was a shift and I became enthralled and can't wait to see how everything plays out in the second book in the series. I'm hoping I won't be disappointed by the next book because there is great potential here. I suggest put this

3.5 out of 5 stars

Other books in the series:
(Not sure where the series ends and marketing ploy begins here, but I'm going to eventually read all of these...)

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I gotta disagree with you--I liked Uglies better than Hunger Games! I know, I know, that's sacrilegious. But I loved Uglies. I'm reading Pretties now, we'll see how it turns out.